Beau Jo's Pizza : Historic Renovation : Old Town, Fort Collins, Colorado. Rehabilitation of the old Ford Dealership in downtown, Fort Collins, into a gateway structure for Old Town. All finishes, stabilization and restoration of the building structure.

The original Hall Garage through completed restoration.

Rebuild of failing exterior facade brick walls.

Original elevator and Model T.

Interior seating.

New definition of 'Open Bar.'

Completed gateway to Beau Jo's Pizza at North College and West LaPorte.




Wolverine Farm : Commercial Repurpose and Expansion : 316 Willow Street, Fort Collins, Colorado. Renovation of an existing 1 story block building into a 2 story Industrial style multi-use building.
Seckner Block : Historic Renovation : Maine Street, Eads, Colorado. Stabilization and mitigation of Historic Downtown commercial building.


Exterior scaffolding

Exterior - in progress

Exterior - in progress

Ceiling - Before

Ceiling - After
NoCo Feeder Supply : Business Relocate & Development : 300 Hickory Street, Fort Collins, Colorado. Development Design partner and Contractor for relocation of Agricultural Feeder business.



Interior tiling

Interior - tiling
View Residential projects completed by Empire Carpentry here.